Source code for fakes.machine

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

"""Fakes of several MicroPython classes which are not available in UNIX"""

import _thread
    import ulogging as logging
    from umodbus.typing import Optional, Union
except ImportError:
    import logging
    from typing import Optional, Union
from queue import Queue
import socket
import sys
import time

[docs]class MachineError(Exception): """Base class for exceptions in this module.""" pass
[docs]class UART(object): """ Fake Micropython UART class See """ def __init__(self, uart_id: int, baudrate: int = 9600, bits: int = 8, parity: int = None, stop: int = 1, tx: int = 1, rx: int = 2, timeout: int = 0) -> None: self._uart_id = uart_id if timeout == 0: timeout = 5.0 self._timeout = timeout self.logger = self._configure_logger() # Standard loopback interface address (localhost) # Port to listen on (non-privileged ports are > 1023) if == 'micropython': # on MicroPython connect to the (potentially) running TCP server # see docker-compose-rtu-test.yaml at micropython-client-rtu self._host = '' else: # on non MicroPython system connect to localhost self._host = '' self._port = 65433 self._sock = None self._server_lock = _thread.allocate_lock() self._send_queue = Queue(maxsize=10) self._receive_queue = Queue(maxsize=10) self._is_server = self.no_socket_server_exists( host=self._host, port=self._port) self.logger.debug('Timeout is: {}'.format(self._timeout)) if self._is_server: self._sock = socket.socket() if == 'micropython': # MicroPython requires a bytearray # addr_info = socket.getaddrinfo(self._host, self._port)[0][-1] else: addr_info = ((self._host, self._port)) self._sock.bind(addr_info) self._sock.listen(10) # self._sock.settimeout(self._timeout) self._sock.setblocking(False) self.logger.debug('Bound to {} on {}'. format(self._host, self._port)) # start the socket server thread as soon as init is done self.serving = True else: self._sock = socket.socket() self._sock.settimeout(self._timeout) # self._sock.setblocking(False) if == 'micropython': # MicroPython requires a bytearray # addr_info = socket.getaddrinfo(self._host, self._port)[0][-1] else: addr_info = ((self._host, self._port)) self._sock.connect(addr_info) self.logger.debug('Connecting to {} on {}'. format(self._host, self._port)) self.logger.debug('Will act as {}'. format('server' if self._is_server else 'client'))
[docs] def _configure_logger(self) -> logging.Logger: """ Create and configure a logger :returns: Configured logger :rtype: logging.Logger """ if == 'micropython': logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) else: custom_format = '[%(asctime)s] [%(levelname)-8s] [%(filename)-15s'\ ' @ %(funcName)-15s:%(lineno)4s] %(message)s' logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format=custom_format, stream=sys.stdout) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) return logger
[docs] def no_socket_server_exists(self, host: str, port: int, timeout: Optional[float] = 1.0) -> bool: """ Determines if no socket server exists. :param host: The host IP :type host: str :param port: The port :type port: int :param timeout: The timeout :type timeout: float :returns: True if no socket server exists, False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ become_server = True sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.settimeout(timeout) try: if == 'micropython': # MicroPython requires a bytearray # addr_info = socket.getaddrinfo(host, port)[0][-1] else: addr_info = ((host, port)) sock.connect(addr_info) except Exception: self.logger.debug('Exception during potential server connect') self.logger.debug('Failed to connect to {} on {}'. format(host, port)) sock.close() # assume no server is available # this device shall thereby become a server itself return become_server self.logger.debug('Connection to server successful') # send test message to server sock.send(b'Ping. Hello UART server?') # not the best message self.logger.debug('Sent ping to potential server') # wait for specified timeout for a response from the server try: received_data = sock.recv(127) if received_data:'Received as response to ping: {}'. format(received_data)) if received_data == b'pong': # a potential server shall respond with b'pong'. # The return value shall thereby by "False", as the # check for no socket server existance failed become_server = False except OSError as e: # 11 = timeout expired (MicroPython) # 35 = Resource temporarily unavailable (Python OS X) # "timed out" (Python Windows) if e.args[0] in [11, 35, 'timed out']: self.logger.debug('Timeout waiting for server response') else: raise e sock.close() return become_server
@property def is_server(self) -> bool: """ Determines if this object acts as server aka UART host. :returns: True if server, False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ return self._is_server @property def serving(self) -> bool: """ Get the server status. :returns: Flag whether socket server is running or not. :rtype: bool """ return self._server_lock.locked() @serving.setter def serving(self, value: bool) -> None: """ Start or stop running the socket server. :param value: The value :type value: bool """ if value and (not self._server_lock.locked()): # start socket server if not already running self._server_lock.acquire() # parameters of the _serve function params = ( self._sock, self._send_queue, self._receive_queue, self._server_lock, self.logger ) _thread.start_new_thread(self._serve, params)'Socket {} started'. format('server' if self._is_server else 'client')) elif (value is False) and self._server_lock.locked(): # stop server if not already stopped self._server_lock.release()'Socket {} lock released'. format('server' if self._is_server else 'client'))
[docs] def _serve(self, sock: socket, send_queue: Queue, receive_queue: Queue, lock: int, logger: logging.Logger) -> None: """ Internal socket server function :param sock: The socket :type sock: socket :param send_queue: The send queue :type send_queue: Queue :param receive_queue: The receive queue :type receive_queue: Queue :param lock: The lock flag :type lock: int :param logger: The logger :type logger: logging.Logger """ if sock is None: raise Exception('Server not bound') else:'Acting as server') _client_sock = None while lock.locked(): new_client_sock = None try: # either a connection is made from a client or # an OSError is thrown after the configured timeout new_client_sock, addr = sock.accept() except OSError as e: # 11 = timeout expired (MicroPython) # 35 = Resource temporarily unavailable (Python OS X) # "timed out" (Python Windows) if e.args[0] not in [11, 35, 'timed out']: logger.warning('OSError {}: {}'. format(e, e.args[0])) if new_client_sock is not None: logger.debug('Connection from {}'.format(addr)) if _client_sock is not None: logger.debug('Closed connection to last client') _client_sock.close() _client_sock = new_client_sock _client_sock.settimeout(0.5) if _client_sock is not None: # get client message try: received_data = _client_sock.recv(127) # log data and send response if received_data:'Received from client: {}'. format(received_data)) if received_data == b'Ping. Hello UART server?': _client_sock.send(b'pong')'Responded with "pong"') else: receive_queue.put_nowait(received_data) # grant host enough time to process received # data, prepare a response for the client and put # it into the send_queue # Sleep time shall be less than client timeout # specified during UART init # Approx. process time is below 100ms time.sleep(0.1) except Exception as e: logger.debug('Error during connection: {}'.format(e)) _client_sock.close() _client_sock = None if send_queue.qsize(): send_data = send_queue.get_nowait()'Responding to client: {}'. format(send_data)) _client_sock.send(send_data)
[docs] def deinit(self) -> None: """Turn off the UART bus""" raise MachineError('Not yet implemented')
[docs] def any(self) -> int: """ Return number of characters available. Mock does not return the actual number of characters but the elements in the receive queue. Which is usually "0" or "1" :returns: Number of characters available :rtype: int """ available_data_amount = 0 if self._is_server: available_data_amount = self._receive_queue.qsize() else: # patch available data, as reading the socket buffer would drain it available_data_amount = 1 return available_data_amount
[docs] def read(self, nbytes: Optional[int] = None) -> Union[None, bytes]: """ Read characters :param nbytes: The amount of bytes to read :type nbytes: int :returns: Bytes read, None on timeout :rtype: Union[None, bytes] """ data = None if self._is_server: if self._receive_queue.qsize(): data = self._receive_queue.get_nowait() else: try: data = self._sock.recv(127) except OSError as e: self.logger.warning('OSError {}: {}'.format(e, e.args[0])) return data
[docs] def readinto(self, buf: bytes, nbytes: Optional[int] = None) -> Union[None, bytes]: """ Read bytes into the buffer. If nbytes is specified then read at most that many bytes. Otherwise, read at most len(buf) bytes :param buf: The buffer :type buf: bytes :param nbytes: The nbytes :type nbytes: Optional[int] :returns: Number of bytes read and stored in buffer, None on timeout :rtype: Union[None, bytes] """ raise MachineError('Not yet implemented')
[docs] def readline(self) -> Union[None, str]: """ Read a line, ending in a newline character :returns: The line read, None on timeout. :rtype: Union[None, str] """ raise MachineError('Not yet implemented')
[docs] def write(self, buf: bytes) -> Union[None, int]: """ Write the buffer of bytes to the bus :param buf: The buffer :type buf: bytes :returns: Number of bytes written, None on timeout :rtype: Union[None, int] """ if self._is_server: self._send_queue.put_nowait(buf) else: self._sock.send(buf) return len(buf)
[docs] def sendbreak(self) -> None: """Send a break condition on the bus""" raise MachineError('Not yet implemented')
''' # flush introduced in MicroPython v1.20.0 # use manual timing calculation for testing def flush(self) -> None: """ Waits until all data has been sent In case of a timeout, an exception is raised Only available with newer versions than 1.19 """ raise MachineError('Not yet implemented') '''
[docs] def txdone(self) -> bool: """ Tells whether all data has been sent or no data transfer is happening :returns: If data transmission is ngoing return False, True otherwise :rtype: bool """ raise MachineError('Not yet implemented')
[docs]class Pin(object): """ Fake Micropython Pin class See """ IN = 1 OUT = 2 def __init__(self, pin: int, mode: int): self._pin = pin self._mode = mode self._value = False
[docs] def value(self, val: Optional[Union[int, bool]] = None) -> Optional[bool]: """ Set or get the value of the pin :param val: The value :type val: Optional[Union[int, bool]] :returns: State of the pin if no value specifed, None otherwise :rtype: Optional[bool] """ if val is not None and self._mode == Pin.OUT: # set pin state self._value = bool(val) else: # get pin state return self._value
[docs] def on(self) -> None: """Set pin to "1" output level""" if self._mode == Pin.OUT: self.value(val=True)
[docs] def off(self) -> None: """Set pin to "0" output level""" if self._mode == Pin.OUT: self.value(val=False)