Source code for umodbus.functions

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2019, Pycom Limited.
# This software is licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or any
# later version, with permitted additional terms. For more information
# see the Pycom Licence v1.0 document supplied with this file, or
# available at

# system packages
import struct

# custom packages
from . import const as Const

# typing not natively supported on MicroPython
from .typing import List, Optional, Union

[docs]def read_coils(starting_address: int, quantity: int) -> bytes: """ Create Modbus Protocol Data Unit for reading coils. :param starting_address: The starting address :type starting_address: int :param quantity: Quantity of coils :type quantity: int :returns: Packed Modbus message :rtype: bytes """ if not (1 <= quantity <= 2000): raise ValueError('Invalid number of coils') return struct.pack('>BHH', Const.READ_COILS, starting_address, quantity)
[docs]def read_discrete_inputs(starting_address: int, quantity: int) -> bytes: """ Create Modbus Protocol Data Unit for reading discrete inputs. :param starting_address: The starting address :type starting_address: int :param quantity: Quantity of coils :type quantity: int :returns: Packed Modbus message :rtype: bytes """ if not (1 <= quantity <= 2000): raise ValueError('Invalid number of discrete inputs') return struct.pack('>BHH', Const.READ_DISCRETE_INPUTS, starting_address, quantity)
[docs]def read_holding_registers(starting_address: int, quantity: int) -> bytes: """ Create Modbus Protocol Data Unit for reading holding registers. :param starting_address: The starting address :type starting_address: int :param quantity: Quantity of coils :type quantity: int :returns: Packed Modbus message :rtype: bytes """ if not (1 <= quantity <= 125): raise ValueError('Invalid number of holding registers') return struct.pack('>BHH', Const.READ_HOLDING_REGISTERS, starting_address, quantity)
[docs]def read_input_registers(starting_address: int, quantity: int) -> bytes: """ Create Modbus Protocol Data Unit for reading input registers. :param starting_address: The starting address :type starting_address: int :param quantity: Quantity of coils :type quantity: int :returns: Packed Modbus message :rtype: bytes """ if not (1 <= quantity <= 125): raise ValueError('Invalid number of input registers') return struct.pack('>BHH', Const.READ_INPUT_REGISTER, starting_address, quantity)
[docs]def write_single_coil(output_address: int, output_value: Union[int, bool]) -> bytes: """ Create Modbus message to update single coil :param output_address: The output address :type output_address: int :param output_value: The output value :type output_value: Union[int, bool] :returns: Packed Modbus message :rtype: bytes """ if output_value not in [0x0000, 0xFF00, False, True, 0, 1]: raise ValueError('Illegal coil value') if output_value not in [0x0000, 0xFF00]: if output_value: output_value = 0xFF00 else: output_value = 0x0000 return struct.pack('>BHH', Const.WRITE_SINGLE_COIL, output_address, output_value)
[docs]def write_single_register(register_address: int, register_value: int, signed: bool = True) -> bytes: """ Create Modbus message to writes a single register :param register_address: The register address :type register_address: int :param register_value: The register value :type register_value: int :param signed: Flag whether data is signed or not :type signed: bool :returns: Packed Modbus message :rtype: bytes """ fmt = 'h' if signed else 'H' return struct.pack('>BH' + fmt, Const.WRITE_SINGLE_REGISTER, register_address, register_value)
[docs]def write_multiple_coils(starting_address: int, value_list: List[Union[int, bool]]) -> bytes: """ Create Modbus message to update multiple coils :param starting_address: The starting address :type starting_address: int :param value_list: The list of output values :type value_list: List[Union[int, bool]] :returns: Packed Modbus message :rtype: bytes """ if not (1 <= len(value_list) <= 0x07B0): raise ValueError('Invalid quantity of outputs') sectioned_list = [value_list[i:i + 8] for i in range(0, len(value_list), 8)] # noqa: E501 output_value = [] for index, byte in enumerate(sectioned_list): # see # output = sum(v << i for i, v in enumerate(byte)) output = 0 for bit in byte: output = (output << 1) | bit output_value.append(output) fmt = 'B' * len(output_value) quantity = len(value_list) byte_count = quantity // 8 if quantity % 8: byte_count += 1 return struct.pack('>BHHB' + fmt, Const.WRITE_MULTIPLE_COILS, starting_address, quantity, byte_count, *output_value)
[docs]def write_multiple_registers(starting_address: int, register_values: List[int], signed: bool = True) -> bytes: """ Create Modbus message to update multiple coils :param starting_address: The starting address :type starting_address: int :param register_values: The list of output value :type register_values: List[int, bool] :param signed: Flag whether data is signed or not :type signed: bool :returns: Packed Modbus message :rtype: bytes """ if not (1 <= len(register_values) <= 123): raise ValueError('Invalid number of registers') quantity = len(register_values) byte_count = quantity * 2 fmt = ('h' if signed else 'H') * quantity return struct.pack('>BHHB' + fmt, Const.WRITE_MULTIPLE_REGISTERS, starting_address, quantity, byte_count, *register_values)
[docs]def validate_resp_data(data: bytes, function_code: int, address: int, value: int = None, quantity: int = None, signed: bool = True) -> bool: """ Validate the response data. :param data: The data :type data: bytes :param function_code: The function code :type function_code: int :param address: The address :type address: int :param value: The value :type value: int :param quantity: The quantity :type quantity: int :param signed: Indicates if signed :type signed: bool :returns: True if valid, False otherwise :rtype: bool """ fmt = '>H' + ('h' if signed else 'H') if function_code in [Const.WRITE_SINGLE_COIL, Const.WRITE_SINGLE_REGISTER]: resp_addr, resp_value = struct.unpack(fmt, data) # if bool(True) or int(1) is used as "output_value" of # "write_single_coil" it will be internally converted to int(0xFF00), # see Modbus specification, which is actually int(65280). # Due to the non binary, but real value comparison of "value" and # "resp_value", it would never match without the next two lines # see #21 if function_code == Const.WRITE_SINGLE_COIL: resp_value = bool(resp_value) value = bool(value) if (address == resp_addr) and (value == resp_value): return True elif function_code in [Const.WRITE_MULTIPLE_COILS, Const.WRITE_MULTIPLE_REGISTERS]: resp_addr, resp_qty = struct.unpack(fmt, data) if (address == resp_addr) and (quantity == resp_qty): return True return False
[docs]def response(function_code: int, request_register_addr: int, request_register_qty: int, request_data: list, value_list: Optional[list] = None, signed: bool = True) -> bytes: """ Construct a Modbus response Protocol Data Unit :param function_code: The function code :type function_code: int :param request_register_addr: The request register address :type request_register_addr: int :param request_register_qty: The request register qty :type request_register_qty: int :param request_data: The request data :type request_data: list :param value_list: The values :type value_list: Optional[list] :param signed: Indicates if signed :type signed: bool :returns: Protocol data unit :rtype: bytes """ if function_code in [Const.READ_COILS, Const.READ_DISCRETE_INPUTS]: sectioned_list = [value_list[i:i + 8] for i in range(0, len(value_list), 8)] # noqa: E501 output_value = [] for index, byte in enumerate(sectioned_list): # see # output = sum(v << i for i, v in enumerate(byte)) # see output = 0 for bit in byte: output = (output << 1) | bit output_value.append(output) fmt = 'B' * len(output_value) return struct.pack('>BB' + fmt, function_code, ((len(value_list) - 1) // 8) + 1, *output_value) elif function_code in [Const.READ_HOLDING_REGISTERS, Const.READ_INPUT_REGISTER]: quantity = len(value_list) if not (0x0001 <= quantity <= 0x007D): raise ValueError('invalid number of registers') if signed is True or signed is False: fmt = ('h' if signed else 'H') * quantity else: fmt = '' for s in signed: fmt += 'h' if s else 'H' return struct.pack('>BB' + fmt, function_code, quantity * 2, *value_list) elif function_code in [Const.WRITE_SINGLE_COIL, Const.WRITE_SINGLE_REGISTER]: return struct.pack('>BHBB', function_code, request_register_addr, *request_data) elif function_code in [Const.WRITE_MULTIPLE_COILS, Const.WRITE_MULTIPLE_REGISTERS]: return struct.pack('>BHH', function_code, request_register_addr, request_register_qty)
[docs]def exception_response(function_code: int, exception_code: int) -> bytes: """ Create Modbus exception response :param function_code: The function code :type function_code: int :param exception_code: The exception code :type exception_code: int :returns: Packed Modbus message :rtype: bytes """ return struct.pack('>BB', Const.ERROR_BIAS + function_code, exception_code)
[docs]def bytes_to_bool(byte_list: bytes, bit_qty: Optional[int] = 1) -> List[bool]: """ Convert bytes to list of boolean values :param byte_list: The byte list :type byte_list: bytes :param bit_qty: Amount of bits received :type bit_qty: Optional[int] :returns: Boolean representation :rtype: List[bool] """ bool_list = [] for index, byte in enumerate(byte_list): this_qty = bit_qty if this_qty >= 8: this_qty = 8 # evil hack for missing keyword support in MicroPython format() fmt = '{:0' + str(this_qty) + 'b}' bool_list.extend([bool(int(x)) for x in fmt.format(byte)]) bit_qty -= 8 return bool_list
[docs]def to_short(byte_array: bytes, signed: bool = True) -> bytes: """ Convert bytes to tuple of integer values :param byte_array: The byte array :type byte_array: bytes :param signed: Indicates if signed :type signed: bool :returns: Integer representation :rtype: bytes """ response_quantity = int(len(byte_array) / 2) fmt = '>' + (('h' if signed else 'H') * response_quantity) return struct.unpack(fmt, byte_array)
[docs]def float_to_bin(num: float) -> bin: """ Convert floating point value to binary See IEEE 754 :param num: The number :type num: float :returns: Binary representation :rtype: bin """ # no "zfill" available in MicroPython # return bin(struct.unpack('!I', struct.pack('!f', num))[0])[2:].zfill(32) return '{:0>{w}}'.format( bin(struct.unpack('!I', struct.pack('!f', num))[0])[2:], w=32)
[docs]def bin_to_float(binary: str) -> float: """ Convert binary string to floating point value :param binary: The binary string :type binary: str :returns: Converted floating point value :rtype: float """ return struct.unpack('!f', struct.pack('!I', int(binary, 2)))[0]
[docs]def int_to_bin(num: int) -> str: """ Convert integer to binary :param num: The number :type num: int :returns: Binary representation of given input :rtype: str """ return "{0:b}".format(num)