Source code for umodbus.tcp

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2019, Pycom Limited.
# This software is licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or any
# later version, with permitted additional terms. For more information
# see the Pycom Licence v1.0 document supplied with this file, or
# available at

# system packages
# import random
import struct
import socket
import time

# custom packages
from . import functions
from . import const as Const
from .common import Request, CommonModbusFunctions
from .common import ModbusException
from .modbus import Modbus

# typing not natively supported on MicroPython
from .typing import Optional, Tuple, Union

[docs]class ModbusTCP(Modbus): """Modbus TCP client class""" def __init__(self): super().__init__( # set itf to TCPServer object, addr_list to None TCPServer(), None )
[docs] def bind(self, local_ip: str, local_port: int = 502, max_connections: int = 10) -> None: """ Bind IP and port for incomming requests :param local_ip: IP of this device listening for requests :type local_ip: str :param local_port: Port of this device :type local_port: int :param max_connections: Number of maximum connections :type max_connections: int """ self._itf.bind(local_ip, local_port, max_connections)
[docs] def get_bound_status(self) -> bool: """ Get the IP and port binding status. :returns: The bound status, True if already bound, False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ try: return self._itf.get_is_bound() except Exception: return False
[docs]class TCP(CommonModbusFunctions): """ TCP class handling socket connections and parsing the Modbus data :param slave_ip: IP of this device listening for requests :type slave_ip: str :param slave_port: Port of this device :type slave_port: int :param timeout: Socket timeout in seconds :type timeout: float """ def __init__(self, slave_ip: str, slave_port: int = 502, timeout: float = 5.0): self._sock = socket.socket() self.trans_id_ctr = 0 # print(socket.getaddrinfo(slave_ip, slave_port)) # [(2, 1, 0, '', ('', 502))] self._sock.connect(socket.getaddrinfo(slave_ip, slave_port)[0][-1]) self._sock.settimeout(timeout)
[docs] def _create_mbap_hdr(self, slave_addr: int, modbus_pdu: bytes) -> Tuple[bytes, int]: """ Create a Modbus header. :param slave_addr: The slave identifier :type slave_addr: int :param modbus_pdu: The modbus Protocol Data Unit :type modbus_pdu: bytes :returns: Modbus header and unique transaction ID :rtype: Tuple[bytes, int] """ # only available on WiPy # trans_id = machine.rng() & 0xFFFF # use builtin function to generate random 24 bit integer # trans_id = random.getrandbits(24) & 0xFFFF # use incrementing counter as it's faster trans_id = self.trans_id_ctr self.trans_id_ctr += 1 mbap_hdr = struct.pack( '>HHHB', trans_id, 0, len(modbus_pdu) + 1, slave_addr) return mbap_hdr, trans_id
[docs] def _validate_resp_hdr(self, response: bytearray, trans_id: int, slave_addr: int, function_code: int, count: bool = False) -> bytes: """ Validate the response header. :param response: The response :type response: bytearray :param trans_id: The transaction identifier :type trans_id: int :param slave_addr: The slave identifier :type slave_addr: int :param function_code: The function code :type function_code: int :param count: The count :type count: bool :returns: Modbus response content :rtype: bytes """ rec_tid, rec_pid, rec_len, rec_uid, rec_fc = struct.unpack( '>HHHBB', response[:Const.MBAP_HDR_LENGTH + 1]) if (trans_id != rec_tid): raise ValueError('wrong transaction ID') if (rec_pid != 0): raise ValueError('invalid protocol ID') if (slave_addr != rec_uid): raise ValueError('wrong slave ID') if (rec_fc == (function_code + Const.ERROR_BIAS)): raise ValueError('slave returned exception code: {:d}'. format(rec_fc)) hdr_length = (Const.MBAP_HDR_LENGTH + 2) if count else \ (Const.MBAP_HDR_LENGTH + 1) return response[hdr_length:]
[docs] def _send_receive(self, slave_addr: int, modbus_pdu: bytes, count: bool) -> bytes: """ Send a modbus message and receive the reponse. :param slave_addr: The slave identifier :type slave_addr: int :param modbus_pdu: The modbus PDU :type modbus_pdu: bytes :param count: The count :type count: bool :returns: Modbus data :rtype: bytes """ mbap_hdr, trans_id = self._create_mbap_hdr(slave_addr=slave_addr, modbus_pdu=modbus_pdu) self._sock.send(mbap_hdr + modbus_pdu) response = self._sock.recv(256) modbus_data = self._validate_resp_hdr(response=response, trans_id=trans_id, slave_addr=slave_addr, function_code=modbus_pdu[0], count=count) return modbus_data
[docs]class TCPServer(object): """Modbus TCP host class""" def __init__(self): self._sock = None self._client_sock = None self._is_bound = False @property def is_bound(self) -> bool: """ Get the IP and port binding status :returns: True if bound to IP and port, False otherwise :rtype: bool """ return self._is_bound
[docs] def get_is_bound(self) -> bool: """ Get the IP and port binding status, legacy support. :returns: True if bound to IP and port, False otherwise :rtype: bool """ return self._is_bound
[docs] def bind(self, local_ip: str, local_port: int = 502, max_connections: int = 10): """ Bind IP and port for incomming requests :param local_ip: IP of this device listening for requests :type local_ip: str :param local_port: Port of this device :type local_port: int :param max_connections: Number of maximum connections :type max_connections: int """ if self._client_sock: self._client_sock.close() if self._sock: self._sock.close() self._sock = socket.socket() # print(socket.getaddrinfo(local_ip, local_port)) # [(2, 1, 0, '', ('', 502))] self._sock.bind(socket.getaddrinfo(local_ip, local_port)[0][-1]) self._sock.listen(max_connections) self._is_bound = True
[docs] def _send(self, modbus_pdu: bytes, slave_addr: int) -> None: """ Send Modbus Protocol Data Unit to slave :param modbus_pdu: The Modbus Protocol Data Unit :type modbus_pdu: bytes :param slave_addr: The slave address :type slave_addr: int """ size = len(modbus_pdu) fmt = 'B' * size adu = struct.pack('>HHHB' + fmt, self._req_tid, 0, size + 1, slave_addr, *modbus_pdu) self._client_sock.send(adu)
[docs] def send_response(self, slave_addr: int, function_code: int, request_register_addr: int, request_register_qty: int, request_data: list, values: Optional[list] = None, signed: bool = True) -> None: """ Send a response to a client. :param slave_addr: The slave address :type slave_addr: int :param function_code: The function code :type function_code: int :param request_register_addr: The request register address :type request_register_addr: int :param request_register_qty: The request register qty :type request_register_qty: int :param request_data: The request data :type request_data: list :param values: The values :type values: Optional[list] :param signed: Indicates if signed :type signed: bool """ modbus_pdu = functions.response(function_code, request_register_addr, request_register_qty, request_data, values, signed) self._send(modbus_pdu, slave_addr)
[docs] def send_exception_response(self, slave_addr: int, function_code: int, exception_code: int) -> None: """ Send an exception response to a client. :param slave_addr: The slave address :type slave_addr: int :param function_code: The function code :type function_code: int :param exception_code: The exception code :type exception_code: int """ modbus_pdu = functions.exception_response(function_code, exception_code) self._send(modbus_pdu, slave_addr)
[docs] def _accept_request(self, accept_timeout: float, unit_addr_list: list) -> Union[Request, None]: """ Accept, read and decode a socket based request :param accept_timeout: The socket accept timeout :type accept_timeout: float :param unit_addr_list: The unit address list :type unit_addr_list: list """ self._sock.settimeout(accept_timeout) new_client_sock = None try: new_client_sock, client_address = self._sock.accept() except OSError as e: if e.args[0] != 11: # 11 = timeout expired raise e if new_client_sock is not None: if self._client_sock is not None: self._client_sock.close() self._client_sock = new_client_sock # recv() timeout, setting to 0 might lead to the following error # "Modbus request error: [Errno 11] EAGAIN" # This is a socket timeout error self._client_sock.settimeout(0.5) if self._client_sock is not None: try: req = self._client_sock.recv(128) if len(req) == 0: return None req_header_no_uid = req[:Const.MBAP_HDR_LENGTH - 1] self._req_tid, req_pid, req_len = struct.unpack('>HHH', req_header_no_uid) req_uid_and_pdu = req[Const.MBAP_HDR_LENGTH - 1:Const.MBAP_HDR_LENGTH + req_len - 1] except OSError: # MicroPython raises an OSError instead of socket.timeout # print("Socket OSError aka TimeoutError: {}".format(e)) return None except Exception: # print("Modbus request error:", e) self._client_sock.close() self._client_sock = None return None if (req_pid != 0): # print("Modbus request error: PID not 0") self._client_sock.close() self._client_sock = None return None if ((unit_addr_list is not None) and (req_uid_and_pdu[0] not in unit_addr_list)): return None try: return Request(self, req_uid_and_pdu) except ModbusException as e: self.send_exception_response(req[0], e.function_code, e.exception_code) return None
[docs] def get_request(self, unit_addr_list: Optional[list] = None, timeout: int = None) -> Union[Request, None]: """ Check for request within the specified timeout :param unit_addr_list: The unit address list :type unit_addr_list: Optional[list] :param timeout: The timeout :type timeout: int :returns: A request object or None. :rtype: Union[Request, None] :raises Exception: If no socket is configured and bound """ if self._sock is None: raise Exception('Modbus TCP server not bound') if timeout > 0: start_ms = time.ticks_ms() elapsed = 0 while True: if self._client_sock is None: accept_timeout = None if timeout is None else (timeout - elapsed) / 1000 else: accept_timeout = 0 req = self._accept_request(accept_timeout, unit_addr_list) if req: return req elapsed = time.ticks_diff(start_ms, time.ticks_ms()) if elapsed > timeout: return None else: return self._accept_request(0, unit_addr_list)